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WE HOPE ALL SHORELINE MEMBERS have enjoyed the fine summer. It would seem difficult not to have enjoyed the sunshine, even though our thoughts have been very much with the members of fire services all over the country and with those of our members concerned in agriculture or other occupations badly affected by the drought.

* * * Now—news of our own future lifeboat, RNLB Shoreline. The keel will be laid in the next few weeks: that is the measure of the wonderful response we have received to the appeal launched with the last issue of THE LIFEBOAT. Each member was asked to introduce at least one new member; with our numbersover 31,000, if this operation were successful there would be funds enough to put a new Rother class lifeboat on the stocks.

The response began by return of post.

Our normal intake of new members rose by 100%. There were donations: anything from £1 to £250. One member, Mrs E. Roberts, quickly organised a coffee morning and sent us the results— £30—towards the new boat. Within a few days a fiftieth of the cost had already come in.

Perhaps, however, the most encouraging aspect of these early days has been the number of members who have written asking for more enrolment forms. Some have asked for ten or twelve, to give to friends; some requests have been for enough forms to send out to every member of a yacht club. It looks as though the stream which has already started could turn into a flood. And, of course, we shall need a flood if the remaining 49/50ths are to be raised. The start has been magnificent. Your quick, spontaneous generosity has given us the confidence that success will be achieved.

Please keep up the good work; if we are to win the privilege of naming a lifeboat Shoreline we must maintain the start that has been made, and we are depending on your continuing efforts.

Even if you have recruited your newmember, might there not be someone else you know who would like to join? We will gladly send extra forms and give you any other help you need.

Our normal staff is doing its best to take the great increase of work in its stride; if there should be any delay in correspondence we hope you will understand and forgive us.

As we told you in the summer issue of THE LIFEBOAT, we plan to follow the story of RNLB Shoreline right through her building, trials, naming and service.

So, we are starting at the beginning and, on the opposite page you will find an article on the plans of the 37'6" Rother class lifeboat.

* * * Before the Shoreline appeal was announced, Mr M. Silver of Newton Mearns, Glasgow, had started on a recruitment drive of his own, holding a sherry morning at his home on March 28 with the express purpose of encouraging his friends to join. As a result he signed on many new members and was able to hand in £90 to the Glasgow branch office. Mr Silver is now planning another such party. How splendid! All strength to his good work! * * * Just at this exciting time, my period of office as membership secretary is regrettably reaching its end, and I shall be returning to my original sphere of work, connected with the operational side of the Institution. Thank you for your kind letters and for all your help.

My successor will be Peter Holness, whom some of you may already know as he has been organising secretary for South London area for the past six years. I am sure that he will enjoy the same happy association with our members which has been my pleasure these last few years.—G. R. 'BOB' WALTON, Membership secretary, RNLI West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 lHZ(Tel. Poole 71133)To: SHORELINE, RNLI, WEST QUAY ROAD, POOLE, DOR I should like to be a part of such a worthwhile voluntary cause b and joining the Institution as : A Life Member and Life Governor: minimum donation £60, including journal A Member and Governor: minimum annual subscription £10, including journal An Offshore Member: minimum annual subscription £3, including journal SHORELINE LIFEBOAT Total subscription NAME SET, BH15 1HZ.

y becoming a SHORELINE member of the lifeboat service Sf It orelii 'nchi Da Sig Below are the various items you are entitled to wear or fly as a member of SHORELINE: Members' tie (Terylene) £1 .50 Lady's brooch £0.50 Metal car badge £1 .55 Pair of cuff-links £1.75 8 "hoist flag £1.25 12" hoist flag £2.00 Dinghy burgee £1.25 Insignia payment ie Giro number is 294 7056 e P.Ojchequelcash for £ te nature.