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With deep regret we announce the following deaths: April Dr Robert Rees Prytherch, a lifelong supporter of the RNLI who had been honorary medical adviser at Criccieth since 1956 and chairman of the station branch for many years. He was awarded the silver badge in 1966.

June Philip Hodgson, JP, honorary secretary of Filey lifeboat station for 13 years. Tireless and dedicated, he enjoyed the warm regard and respect of coxswain, crew and all who worked for the station.

Eric Hudson, district engineer (eastern). Mr Hudson joined (he Institution as motor mechanic at Sunderland in 1946, became a travelling mechanic in Scotland in 1950 and had been district engineer in the south east or east since 1967.

August Mrs O. E. Lloyd-Jones, who joined Llandudno ladies' guild in 1944, became honorary treasurer in 1947 and vicepresident in 1973. In that year she was awarded a gold badge for her long and valued voluntary service.

Oliver Warner, the distinguished naval historian who was the author of The Life-boat Service, a history of the RNLI from 1824-1974, written to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Institution.

George Parsons, who served in The Mumbles lifeboat crew for 36 years and, more recently, has been head launcher for the boat. He was assistant mechanic from 1952 to 1957.The understatement of the year. ..

Seen by David Rees, a New Quay crew member, in a western newspaper on July 28: Two holidaymakers spotted clinging to a capsized dinghy off Tenby yesterday were back on dry land in just 13 minutes after an Olympic-speed launch by Borth inshore lifeboat crew.

Well, they only had to come, what...

90 miles?Practical thanks When Huddersfield ladies' guild this year broke its standing flag day target of £1,000 by raising £1,155, two of its collectors were young people who, with their dog, had been rescued by Flamborough lifeboat; they had been stranded on rocks in the face of an incoming tide, the young man with a broken knee.

Used postage stamps B. Smale, who collects used stamps for the RNLI, has moved from Chester.

He now lives at 17 Station Road, Okehampton, Devon, and parcels of stamps should be addressed to him there.

Sea Rhine founders In the summer issue of THE LIFEBOAT we published a letter of thanks to the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat crew from Douglas Sewell; we apologise for mis-spelling his name..