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Leslie Crowther (I) and Robert Keegan Were Two of the Guests at the Rnli Gala at Ashburton Park on July 3 Which Was Also Attended By the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress

Leslie Crowther (I.) and Robert Keegan were two of the guests at the RNLI gala at Ashburton Park on July 3, which was also attended by the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Croydon. During the afternoon, opened by Leslie Crowther, more than 5,000 people enjoyed entertainment by military bands and field displays by Sea Cadets and Scouts; these included an assault course competition of ten obstacles won by a team of five boys from Croydon Sea Cadet Unit. There were side shows manned by no fewer than 25 RNLI South London branches and by such supporters as Round Tablers and Rotarians, as well as static displays by the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force, Fire Service, Ambulance Brigade and commercial firms. The gross receipts were £2,500..

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