At the South East District Conference George a Hodgkins (R) Vice-President Ofreigate and Redhill Branch Presented a Cheque for £10000 to Vice-Admiral Sir Peter Co
At the South East District Conference George A. Hodgkins (r.), vice-president ofReigate and Redhill branch, presented a cheque for £10,000 to Vice-Admiral Sir Peter Compston, KCB, chairman of the Fund Raising Committee, watched by the branch chairman, F. Carl Seager, MBE. The gift, together with one from Lions International South East District, will be used to provide an Atlantic 21 and her boathouse at Brighton. She will be named Lions International District 105SE. A station branch committee has been formed at Brighton and a free berth in the new marina has been given to the RNLI by Brighton Marina Company.
photograph by courtesy of Kent and Sussex Courier.
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