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Sea Rhine

Sea Rhine founders AT 0423 ON WEDNESDAY February 11, HM Coastguard informed the honorary secretary of Great Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat station that a Mayday call had been received from the coaster Sea Rhine whose cargo had shifted, causing her to list badly.

The 44' Waveney lifeboat Khami set out at 0439 in a strong breeze and a moderate sea. It was high water and visibility was good. She reached the coaster, whose position was some 20miles east south east of the lifeboat station, at 0620. A tug had already taken off the master of Sea Rhine and a seaman, but the mate had remained aboard. However, within minutes her list had increased sharply and the lifeboat went alongside on the port quarter and took the mate off. The other two survivors were then transferred from the tug to the lifeboat. At 0802 Sea Rhine sank and the lifeboat returned to her station arriving at 0915..