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Opening of New Headquarters at Poole

THURSDAY, MAY 6, the day on which HRH The Duke of Kent, President of the RNLI, came down to Dorset to open the new headquarters at Poole in the morning and name the new Swanage lifeboat in the afternoon, was both memorable and happy; a. day of present celebration and future hope in which, to the great pleasure of lifeboat people, the head of the family had come to take part.

As the royal helicopter flew in over Poole, head office staff left their desks to assemble on the forecourt with their families, members of the Committee of Management, Poole lifeboat crew, a group of pensioners, representatives of the local branch and guild, of the County of Dorset and the town of Poole, and of the architects and builders of the new headquarters.

Before the Duke performed the opening ceremony, unveiling a commemorative plaque, the Chairman, Major- General Ralph Farrant, thanked him for the great encouragement of his continual help, and also thanked the people of Poole for the warm welcome they had given the Institution..