Notes of the Quarter, by the editor 147 IlLiJ Beaufort Wind Scale 148 Lifeboat Services 149 XLIV Annual Awards 1975 153 456 A Weekend in September 154 Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Awards 156 Opening of new Headquarters at Poole 162 Chairman: Naming Ceremonies: Macduff and Swanage 163 MAJOR-GENERAL R. H. FARRANT, CB Inshore Lifeboats: Handing-over Ceremonies at Crimdon Dene, Hartlepool Director and Secretary: and Little and Broad Haven ... 164 CAPTAIN NIGEL DIXON, RN _, ,. ... Shoreline 165 Invergordon, by Dag Pike 166 Blue Peter Goes to Sea at Beaumaris, by Ray Kipling 167 Here and There 168 Editor: PATRICK HOWARTH Percy Garon, MC GM : Honorary Secretary of Southend-on-Sea Lifeboat Station from 1952-1975 169 Assistant Editor: * T - r r * + - i - T - c i . . - r - i-m An Eye for Detai] in Lifeboat Design 170 Book Reviews 171 Around the Coast 172 Headquarters: Royal National Life-boat Institution, Some Ways of Raising Money 173 West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1 HZ (Telephone PooJe 71133). Letters i/o Offshore Lifeboat Services, December 1975, January and February 1976 ... 177 London Office: Royal National Life-boat Institution, 21 Inshore Lifeboat Services, December 1975, January and February 1976 ... 178 Ebury Street, London SW1W OLD (Telephone 01-730 0031). Index to Advertisers 180.