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Here and There

Bradford and District branch has presented former Lord Mayor, Councillor Tom Hall, with a leather-bound book containing the names of the thousands of people who have contributed to his appeal for funds to cover the cost of a new lifeboat at Spurn Point. The target set was £51,000; the amount raised was more than £80,000.

* * * When the Shaw Savill liner Northern Star was withdrawn from service, the crew's social club had well over £1,000 in the 'kitty', and members agreed that the money should be donated to the RNLI. A cheque for £1,230.64 was presented by Graham Pepper, former first officer of Northern Star and honorary secretary of her social club, to Captain Nigel Dixon, RN, director of the RNLI, at the Shaw Savill Line head office in London just before Christmas.

* * * Clive Dunn has very kindly donated to the RNLI his recording fee of £80 for the LP of 'Dad's Army' stage show. He has asked that it be split equally between Eastney and Littlehampton.Westward Television have given £1,000 towards the City of Bristol appeal. It was presented by their chairman, Peter Cadbury, to the Lord Mayor, Councillor Hubert Williams.

* * * Already 2,500 books of Green Shield stamps, representing nearly £2,000, have been collected by the branches and guilds of the north-west division towards the cost of a new lifeboat. Green Shield Trading Co. has generously offered 60p per book instead of the usual 42 p.

Stamps, preferably complete books, are welcomed at RNLI, Prince's Chambers, 26 Pall Mall, Manchester M2 1JR.

* * * On November 2, 1975. Mrs Marian Kelman unveiled a plaque in BIyth boathouse recording the gift of £2,200 to equip the 46' 9" Watson lifeboatWinston Churchill (Civil Service No. 8) with radar and VHP radio; it was made in memory of her great grandfather, George Heron, who, aged 25, lost his life on service in the Blyth lifeboat in 1841.

* * * Chiswick and Hammersmith branch, newly formed, welcomes new members.

The secretary, Miss V. Hall, 33c St. Ann's Villas, London Wll (Tel. 01-603 3003) will be pleased to receive offers of time and help.

* * * Bournemouth branch is arranging a concert by Caldicot and District Male Voice Choir from South Wales in the Grand Hall, St Stephens Road, on Friday, May 28. Entrance by programme only, price £1, from B. Wood, 140 Portland Road, Bournemouth..