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Henry Blogg Centenary Exhibition

Born on February 6, 1876, Henry Blogg served in Cromer crew from 1894 and was coxswain from 1909 to 1947, through two world wars. He was awarded three gold medals for gallantry and four silver Five Cromer lifeboatmen who were in the crew when Henry Blogg was coxswain were at the Cliff House Hotel on February 6 when Patrick Howarth, public relations officer of the RNLI, opened the Henry Blogg Centenary Exhibition; they were George Rook, Dick Barker, 'Tuna' Harrison, Jack Davies and Henry Blogg's nephew Henry 'Shrimp' Davies who was himself just on the point of retiring as coxswain after 45 years service in the lifeboats.

R. A. Oakley, former RNLI naval architect, was to have opened the exhibition but he was unfortunately prevented by illness.

Although the exhibition was only open for three days (from noon to 10 pm) in the depth of winter when there were virtually no visitors to Cromer, it was estimated that between 4,000 and 5,000 people saw it. The exhibition itself was extremely interesting and well prepared, and immense trouble had been taken in its preparation by the local branch.

The following tribute was received from the Rt. Hon. Edward Heath, MP: '/ gladly pay my tribute to the lifeboat service and those who man it. All over the country coxswains and crews give of their utmost in living up to the great traditions of Henry Blogg and others who have rendered outstanding services, sometimes leading to the sacrifice of their own lives, in trying to save those in distress.

' We who sail gain confidence from the fact that the lifeboat service is there in case of need. At the same lime it places on every one of us the responsibility for ensuring that we respect the sea in all its changing moods and know what we are about when we put out upon its waters.

'/ welcome the initiative of the Cramer lifeboat committee in staging this exhibition to commemorate the centenary of Henry Blogg's birth and commend it to all those who go down to the sea in ships.' A memorial service was held in Cromer parish church on Sunday morning, February 8.

A Henry Blogg display is being staged at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich this year; opening day was February 16. This is in addition to fine exhibition of model lifeboats on permanent display at the museum.

National Maritime Museum The National Maritime Museum has accepted several hundred drawings made for lifeboats built between 1918 and 1933. The drawings were formerly stored at the RNLI's head office at 42 Grosvenor Gardens.

In accepting them the museum asked whether there were any drawings for lifeboats built before 1918. No such drawings are in the RNLI's possession, but if any reader knows of any the RNLI and the National Maritime Museum will be interested to hear.

Change of address The address of the City of London organising secretary, R. C. Pope, is now 40 St Mary Axe, London EC3 (Tel.

01-283 4680, extension 325)..