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Balcan Engineering Ltd (Bell Line-Thrower)

Emergency ST l__ if P hM i • NO other hand thrown rescue I mf aid can achieve the perform- *"" ' anceofB.E.LL B.E B.E.L.L.s are widely acclaimed for their throwability to enable direct contact to be made with the man overboard.

132 ft. of 260 ibs. breaking strain floating line wound into a bright orange plastic capsule. It can be thrown by hand an average of 90 ft. or 132 ft. with the aid of a FLIKSTIK, thus superseding any other known safety aid for accuracy, distance and reliability.

L.L.s cannot be rewound—however, they serve as :ellent heaving lines fvt subsequent use.

thenticated rescues at distances exceeding 100 ft. have oved the success of this unique device which exceeds merous D.T.I., I.O.R.C. and U.S. Coastguard regulations.

Order NOW—before it's too late! ck of 2 B.E.L.L.s, I FLIKSTIK & set of mounting clips— £9.75 incl. p&p and VAT.

Comprehensive leaflet sent on request- BALCAN ENGINEERING LIMITED, Woodhatl Spa, Lincolnshire, Telephone 0526 52256.
