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THE MAIN SHORELINE office has now moved from Salisbury to the new Headquarters building at Poole. This has entailed the movement of records and equipment and changes in clerical staff.

While we are, of course, making every effort to maintain our normal service, we hope that members will understand if any delay or difficulty arises.

* * * We are often asked by members whether there is any additional way in which they can help the Institution. For those who feel they would like to take their support a stage further, therefore,by joining in local fund raising activities, we are printing on this page a list of all our district organising secretaries. If you feel you would like to help, please get in touch with the one nearest to you; you will be assured of a warm welcome.

* * * Many branches and guilds have been making excellent strides in recruiting for Shoreline. One branch which deserves our special thanks for the results they have achieved is Henley-on- Thames; new members are enrolled as they pass through the locks on their way up and down the river.

* * * We were delighted to receive news recently from BP Chemicals International of Piccadilly that when a member of its staff was leaving he chose as his farewell gift a Shoreline membership subscription. He is anxious to fly the RNLI flag on his boat.

* * * More news of American support: Thomas E. Simmons, a seafood restaurant owner from Gulfport, Mississippi, was on holiday in this country with his wife when he spotted an RNLI collecting box in the South of England.Thinking they would like to take one home with them, they started to try to track one down as they travelled up country. Eventually Mr and Mrs Simmons found their way into our York office, enrolled as members of Shoreline and arranged to take a metal collecting box to fix permanently in a prominent place in their restaurant. The proceeds will be remitted annually to Head Office.

—G. R. 'BOB' WALTON, membership secretary.District Organising Secretary Scotland Miss E. M. Lloyd-Jones, 45 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 3NN (031 225 4014) North Miss I. E. Morison, Regional Co-ordinator.

The Mill, Glasshouses, Pateley Bridge, Nr. Harrogate, Yorkshire HG3 5QH (042 373 667) North East K. Thirlwell, 28 Castlegate, York YO1 1RP (0904 22749) West Midlands Lieut.-Commander B. C. Hutchinson, RN, Royal Mail House, 2 Calthorpe Road, Birmingham 15 (021 454 3009) Midland Shires Miss J. C. Manning, Royal Mail House, 2 Calthorpe Road, Birmingham 15 (021 455 9681) East G. E. Price, RNLI Eastern District, Aldham Road, Hadleigh, Suffolk (047 338 2837) North London G. J. Powell, 553A High Road, Wembley, Middlesex (01 903 3230) South London P. Holness, 6 Bell Parade, Glebe Way, West Wickham, Kent (01 777 1776) District Central London Women's Committee City South East Southern South West Wales North West Ireland Organising Secretary Mrs V. Warner, RNLI, 21 Ebury Street, London SW1W OLD (01 730 0033) R. C. Pope, RNLI, Clarence House, 8 Arthur Street, London EC4 (01 623 9436) I. Wallington, 9 Union Square, The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells TN4 SHU (0892 35000) A. K. Oliver, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ (Poole 71133) Commander P. D. Sturdee, QBE, RN, Carlton Chambers, 25 Baldwin Street, Bristol (0272 291939) H. G. Williams, 68 Cathedral Road, Cardiff (0222 31831) D. M. Jones, Princes Chambers, 26 Pall Mall, Manchester 2 (061 834 6978) Lieut.-Colonel B. D. H. Clark, MC, GM, 10 Merrion Square, Dublin (Dublin 762217), and 33 Saintfield Road, Belfast BT8 4AF (0232 645645)To: SHORELINE, RNLI, WEST QUAY ROAD, POOLE, DORSET, BH15 1HZ.

I should like to be a part of such a worthwhile voluntary cause by becoming a SHORELINE member of the lifeboat service and joining the Institution as: A Life Member and Life Governor: minimum donation £60, including journal A Member and Governor: minimum annual subscription £10, including journal An Offshore Member: minimum annual subscription £3, including journal Total subscription Below are the various items you are entitled to wear or fly as a member of SHORELINE: Members' tie (Terylene) Lady's brooch Metal car badge Pair of cuff-links 8" hoist flag 12" hoist flag Dinghy burgee Insignia payment £1.50 £0.50 £1.55 £1.75 £1.25 £2.00 £1.25 ent Shoreline Giro number is 294 7056 NAME I enclose P.OI cheque I cash for £ . . .

ADDRESS Date Signature.