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J H Minet Life & Pensions Ltd

How to give your family £20,000 worth of security for only £2.00 a month.

About the only area where you really can't afford to cut costs is with your family's security.

What would happen, for example, if you died tonight? How on earth would they cope? Now we've a simple inexpensive way to deal with this situation. It's called the Minet Lifeline Plan, and it's available only through us.

The Plan is made up of Cash Benefits which give your family a guaranteed lump sum if you die. As an example, if you're 30 when you start your Plan, £2 a month would provide your wife with an immediate tax free cash sum of £20,000. The Plan has been designed to be as flexible as possible so as to deal with your own changing circumstances.

We'll send you full details with pleasure. All you need do is fill in the reply paid card enclosed with this journal. No one will call.

1973 THE QUEEN'S AWARD TO INDUSTRY MINET HOLDINGS LTD J. KM I NET LIFE & PENSIONS LTD, Minet House, 66 Prescot Street, London E1 8BU 01 -709-0707 Advisers to the RNLI on all aspects of Hie assurance and personal financial planning..