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Inshore Lifeboats: Dedication of Eastney and Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Atlantic 21S

Dedication of The Waveney Forester at Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, and of Guide Friendship II at Eastney.SIR ALEC ROSE took part in the dedication of both Atlantic 21 The Waveney Forester at Great Yarmouth and Gorleston on July 29 and of Atlantic 21 Guide Friendship II at Eastney on October 19. At the former he unveiled a plaque recording the names of the donors who defrayed the cost of the new ILB: Court Waveney of the Independent Order of Foresters, St Peter's School, Huntingdon, and two donors of legacies. At the latter he gave the vote of thanks: 'God bless your hearts, all of you', was his message to the Guides, Rangers and Brownies who have raised over £28,000 for the RNLI.

Guides and Brownies crowded the beach at Eastney. It was their day, and a day the ILB crew were determined they should enjoy to the full. After the service of dedication, Guide Friendship II launched. An RN helicopter from HMS Daedalus arrived overhead and, as lifeboatmen, children and helicopter crew waved happily to each other, a combined demonstration went ahead with great verve.

Photographs: (Left, by courtesy of Yarmouth Mercury). Gorleston, July 29, The Waveney Forester is launched over the heads of the crowd into the Yare by the derrick donated by No. 8 district of the Inner Wheel (the Bungay area). (Top right) at Eastney Mrs R.

Vaughan-Cox, Commissioner for Girl Guide Branch Associations, spoke of 'the young, who really love giving', before Mrs Vera Armstrong, MBE, Honorary Secretary of the Girl Guide Friendship Fund (seated to Mrs Vaughan-Cox's right) handed over the ILB to the RNLI and unveiled a commemorative plaque. (Lower right).

After tea it was the Guides' turn as, three at a time, the crew took them afloat either in Guide Friendship II or in the supporting Hayling Island Atlantic 21..