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FEW PEOPLE are fortunate enough to work in offices with such a beautiful view as some Head Office staff are enjoying while in temporary accommodation at Poole Quay. The harbour at Poole, which is said to be the second largest natural harbour in the world, is magnificent at all times of the year, but this summer particularly the sun seems to have shone endlessly and the sea has been alive with boats.

The few Shoreline staff at Poole have naturally been watching for boats flying the Shoreline flags and burgees.

These range from the many yachts and cruisers which moor at the quay, to local fishing and pleasure boats.

An owner of a pleasure boat tested one of the current nylon flags by flying it, in a season far less clement than this one has been, on daily trips around the bay. Only after seven months continual use in testing conditions was it decided that the flag, showing hardly any sign of wear, was suitable, and an order placed with the manufacturer.

Being in such a good location for passers-by, the daily routine is, to our pleasure, frequently being interrupted to enrol new members or sell insignia to existing ones. In past weeks, new members have been enrolled from France, Germany, America and the Netherlands.

Two American gentlemen, who called recently, one to enrol and the other,already a member, to purchase souvenirs are very much concerned with safety at sea. They are members of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary and the US Power Squad, a teaching organisation for those interested in sailing or cruising.

Apparently there will now be three cruisers in Pete's Harbour, Redwood City, flying Shoreline flags! Moreover, one of the gentlemen, who is a director of a company organising canal boating holidays in England, has offered to give the RNLI as much publicity as possible.

An exciting event which took place in late June, was the sailing from Poole Quay of a trimaran named Rumpelstiltskin.

A young married couple, Chris and Geraldine Court, were setting sail on a 12-month round-the-world trip. Geraldine had worked as a graphic designer with a company concerned with certain RNLI artwork and, besides the Shoreline flag flying from the mast of Rumpelstiltskin, on board was a package of posters and enrolment forms ready for Chris and Geraldine to do a little promotional work for us on opportune occasions! (Latest report received is that they are now sailing happily along the Spanish coast, the next port of call being Lisbon.) Suffice to say, there are those of us who will indeed be reluctant to leave this advantageous landmark. However, perhaps our supporters will continue to seek us out at our permanent address, in West Quay Road—we hope so! * * * The main Shoreline office will be transferring from Salisbury to the new Headquarters building at Poole at the end of this year and beginning of next.

It will entail the movement of records and equipment and changes in clerical staff. While we shall of course make every effort to maintain our normal service, we hope that members will understand if any delay or difficulty arises.—o. R. (BOB) WALTON, Membership Secretary.To: SHORELINE, RNLI, WEST QUAY ROAD, POOLE, DORSET, BH15 1HZ.

I should like to be a part of such a worthwhile voluntary cause by becoming a SHORELINE member of the lifeboat service and joining the Institution as: A Life Member and Life Governor: minimum donation £60, including journal A Member and Governor: minimum annual subscription £10, including journal An Offshore Member: minimum annual subscription £3, including journal An Associate Member: minimum annual subscription £1.50 Total subscription Below are the various items you are entitled to wear or fly as a member of SHORELINE: Members' tie (Terylene) £1.50 Lady's brooch £0.50 Metal car badge £1.55 Pair of cuff-links £1.75 8" hoist flag £1.25 12" hoist flag £2.00 Dinghy burgee £1.25 Insignia payment NAME .

ADDRESS Shoreline Giro number is 294 7056 I enclose P.Of cheque I cash for £ .

Date Signature.