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M.V. Timber Skipper

Standing by ON TUESDAY, January 14, at 0345, Rosslare Harbour honorary secretary received a telephone message from Rosslare Pier that MV Timber Skipper of London, carrying a crew of seven, had gone aground in very high seas 4 nautical miles off Cahore Point.

Visibility was poor and a violent storm force wind was blowing from the south south west. Difficulty was experienced establishing lucid telephonic communication with the informant because the gale.

The 48' 6" Solent lifeboat R. Hope Roberts was launched at 0500 on a flooding tide in a very heavy swell.

Timber Skipper's position was still uncertain, but the actual location was finally identified as Blackwater Bank.

The casualty was reached by 0620 and the lifeboat was by then 14 miles north east by north of the station. An examination of the bank from all sides showed that heavy surf extended for at least half a mile from Timber Skipper,but that she was in no immediate danger as the shallow water was breaking the swell before it reached her. After veering down on the vessel, the lifeboat anchored in the surf and stood by to await daylight, when it was proposed to airlift the crew of Timber Skipper to safety by helicopter.

The lift began about 0840, and the helicopter crew asked R. Hope Roberts to stand by while the seven crew members of Timber Skipper were transferred to Blackwater Beach. The air operation was completed by 0930, the weather having already moderated at dawn. The lifeboat then returned to station, arriving at 1150.

For this service a letter of appreciation signed by the Director of the Institution, Captain Nigel Dixon, RN, was sent to Coxswain William Stafford and to the crew: Second Coxswain M. O'Brien, Motor Mechanic M. Wickham, Assistant Motor Mechanic S. Martley Crew Members L. McCormack, S.

McCormack and J. Pitt, and Deputy Launching Authority B. Miller..