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Lifeboat Services (From Page 46)

Lifeboat Services (from page 46) cruiser, carrying a crew of two, on passage from Christchurch to Torquay.

Her position at the time of interception was 7 nautical miles south east by south of the station on a bearing of 137°. She had been drifting all night with engine failure and fired her only flare just before dawn as she did not know her exact position off shore.

One of the lifeboat's crew was put on board the cabin cruiser, a tow-rope was secured and she was brought safely back to Brixham Harbour. The lifeboat returned to her station by 0830.

Western Division Exhausted canoeist WHILE ON EXERCISE at 1615 on Friday, June 20, Port Talbot ILB crew saw people on the tip of the breakwater who were indicating that someone was in distress in the heavy surf on its seaward side. There was a fresh south-westerly breeze and a moderate sea with heavy surf; it was high water.

The ILB found an exhausted canoeist, within feet of the breakwater rocks, clinging to his capsized canoe with a surfbather trying to support him. He was taken aboard the ILB and his canoe taken in tow. In a matter of minutes he was landed on the lee side of the breakwater and soon recovered after being given a hot drink at the boathouse. The ILB then continued on exercise.

Scotland South Division Sick Girl THE DOCTOR at Armadale asked Mallaig honorary secretary at 1400 on Friday, March 21, if the lifeboat would take a sick girl from Sleat Point to Armadale Pier. The 52' Barnett lifeboat EMM.

Gordon Cubbin slipped her moorings at 1410 in a strong south-westerly breeze, moderate sea and ebbing tide with a doctor and nurse on board. Having successfully completed the service she returned to her station at 1700.

Eastern Division Engine failure A MESSAGE came from Warden Point Coastguard to Sheerness honorary secretary at 0752 on Monday, May 26, to say that a cabin cruiser had broken down near the outfall buoy and groynes half a mile east of Garrison Point. The people on board were waving.

The 44' Waveney lifeboat Helen Turnbull slipped her moorings at 0804 and set out in a force 7 north wind andrough sea; it was low water. As soon as she rounded Garrison Point the cabin cruiser was sighted in broken water near the outfall groynes. The lifeboat was taken in downwind, just touching bottom, about 30' from the casualty.

A line was thrown aboard and her crew were told to cut the anchor warp. Helen Turnbull then went astern into deeper water, where the tow was reconnected to the stern of the lifeboat. The cabin cruiser, together with her crew of three, were brought safely to Sheerness at 0829.

North Western Division Jammed gears MOELFRE HONORARY SECRETARY W3S informed by the Coastguard at 1537 on Sunday, March 30, that a 14' open speedboat with a 25 hp engine, carrying a crew of four, had broken down, her gears jammed, 2| nautical miles south south east of the station.

The ILB was launched at 1545 on an ebbing tide in fair weather with good visibility. The sea was choppy to rough and a fresh breeze was blowing from the north.

The speedboat was reached by 1554.

While manoeuvring in the surf and helping the survivors on board, the ILB suffered damage to her buoyancy tank but managed to take the four people safely back to the boathouse, where transport home was arranged for them.

Their speedboat was left on a sandbank to be recovered when she refloated. The ILB returned to station by 1605..