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Lifeboat People

Birthday Honours Knights Bachelor John Henry Loveridge, CBE, Bailiff of Guernsey. Sir John is vice-president of the Guernsey branch.

QBE Roy Ernest Bailhache, Jurat, Royal Court of Jersey. Jurat Bailhache is chairman of the Jersey branch.

During the visit of a German lifeboat to the Isles of Scilly last May, Colonel Sir John Carew Pole, Bt, Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, presented Coxswain Matthew Lethbridge with the BEM awarded to him in the New Year Honours List 1975.MBE Kenneth Hewit Mooring Aldridge, secretary, Weymouth branch. Mr Mooring Aldridge was honorary treasurer of Bournemouth branch from 1927 to 1940, honorary treasurer of Weymouth station branch from 1940 to 1950, and honorary secretary from 1951 to 1975; he is still an officer of the branch.

Mrs Mary Vera Armstrong. For services to the Girl Guides Association. Mrs Armstrong is the honorary secretary of the Guide Friendship Fund, which, in 'The Year of the Lifeboat', raised over £25,000 for the RNLI.

BEM Gilbert Chambers, motor mechanic, Portrush lifeboat. Mr Chambers served with distinction as assistant mechanic from 1937 to 1939, then, after war service, as motor mechanic from 1947.

He has twice been awarded the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum: for the service to MV Argo Delos on October 22, 1960, and HNorMS frigate Bergen on November 1, 1965.

* * * Dr Peter Davy of Hastings was awarded a silver medal for his service to injured seamen on December 23, 1974. The Council of the British Medical Association has entered his name in the Association's Book of Valour.

It is with deep regret that we announce the following deaths: April Donald B. Atkinson, Scarborough honorary secretary from 1956 to 1970 and a life vice-president of the branch.

At his express wish, and expense, lifeboatmen met for dinner on the evening of his funeral.

May Sir Arnet Robinson, who served the RNLI as a member of the Committee of Management from 1948, as a vicepresident from 1961 and as a life vicepresident from 1972.

July John Campbell, who was coxswain of Portpatrick lifeboat from 1930 to 1945.

He was awarded the bronze medal for gallantry for the service to the 520-ton steamer Camlough of Belfast on January 13, 1932.

* * * In the spring issue of THE LIFEBOAT it was recorded that C. Harrison had served as a crew member of Runswick lifeboat for 4J years, as assistant mechanic for 12 years and as coxswain for 3J years. Mr Harrison, we regret to report, died on May 29, 1973, while he was coxswain, and the certificate was presented posthumously to his widow in recognition of his service..