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The Argentinian Warship Candida de Lasala

Despite injury FAIRLIGHT COASTGUARD informed the Hastings deputy launching authority at 1120 on December 23, 1974, that there had been an explosion on board the Argentinian warship Candida de Lasala and medical help was needed. Maroons were fired and Jane Hay, a 37' Oakley class lifeboat on temporary duty at Hastings, was launched with the station honorary medical adviser, Dr Peter Davy, on board.

There was a south-by-easterly fresh breeze force 5 and a moderate sea. After making good 1.5 miles towards Candida de Lasala, Jane Hay was joined by rescue helicopter 41 and Dr Davy was asked to transfer to the helicopter for quickertransit to the ship. The coxswain was requested to steer into wind at full speed. The lifeboat prepared for the lift and the coxswain briefed his crew.

The second crewman from the helicopter was lowered to the lifeboat and,after several attempts, landed on board.

While he was putting Dr Davy into the other strop the helicopter lost contact with the lifeboat. Both men were dragged off the deck with a pendulum motion, smashing back into the lifeboat stern before being separated in the water; Dr Davy drifted away. The helicopter was re-positioned, Dr Davy was recovered and taken on to Candida de Lasala.

The injured men were tended and one transferred by helicopter to hospital with the doctor in company.

On arrival, and only after ensuring that the injured man was being cared for, Dr Davy allowed himself to be examined by another doctor. He was found to have seven broken ribs and must have been in great pain throughout the service.

For this service the silver medal for gallantry was awarded to Dr Peter Davy..