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Naming Ceremony: Augustine Courtauld Poole

A force 6 to 7 wind was blowing when Poole's new 44' class lifeboat was named Augustine Courtauld after the well-known explorer by his sister Lady Rayner at Poole Harbour Y.C.

Marina on Wednesday, May 7; caught up by wild gale force gusts, the words of prayers and hymns were carried away to seaward and true point was given to the firing of maroons at the start of the ceremony and the slipping of the lifeboat's moorings at the end.

Augustine Courtauld's brother, W. P. Courtauld, a member of the Committee of Management, handed over the lifeboat to the RNLI; his son, the Rev. A. C. C. Courtauld, led the interdenominational service of dedication. Commander F. R. H. Swann, CBE RNVR, RNLI chairman, spoke of Augustine Courtauld as a man of quiet manner but great determination; he was a fine small boat sailor. Poole's new lifeboat is the gift of W. P.

Courtauld, the Mayor of Poole's appeal and public subscription..