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I Give and Bequeath

READERS WILL FIND below suggested clauses covering bequests to the Royal National Life-boat Institution which may be of assistance to their solicitors in preparing their wills, should they decide to remember the Institution in this way.

The Institution is still very dependent upon such help in carrying out its work, and while we hope that any help given to us in this way will not materialise for many years, we shall be more than grateful to our friends for their intended generosity.

The most useful gift to us is a bequest to be used at the discretion of the RNLI, but you may also provide that your bequest be used for a new lifeboat (which may be named after you, if you wish) or be put towards the cost of a new lifeboat with other bequests if your bequest is not alone sufficient (in which case a commemorative plaque bearing your name will be mounted in the lifeboat). Such bequests are worded as follows: General purposes i.e. this includes the maintenance of the lifeboat fleet and lifeboat stations, research and development, service awards to crew members, pensions to their widows and other expenditure necessary to provide for the lifeboat service).

I give and bequeath to the Royal National Life-boat Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, of West Quay Road, Poole Dorset, BH15 1HZ, Incorporated by Royal Charter, the sum of £ for the general purposes of the said Institution, and I declare that the said sum shall be paid free of duty and tax, and that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a sufficient discharge therefor.

For a lifeboat I give and bequeath to the Royal National Life-boat Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, of West Quay Road.

Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ, Incorporated by Royal Charter, the sum of £ for the provision of a lifeboat to be known as and I declare that the said sum shall be paid free of duty and tax, and that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a sufficient discharge therefor.

Towards a lifeboat I give and bequeath to the Royal National Life-boat Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, of West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ, Incorporated by Royal Charter, the sum of £ towardstowards the provision of a lifeboat and I declare that the said sum shall be paid free of duty and tax and that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a sufficient discharge therefor.

Bequest of the residue of an estate I give the whole of my estate not otherwise disposed of by this my Will (subject to and after payment of my funeral and testamentary expenses) to the Royal National Life-boat Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, of West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ for the general purposes of the said Institution and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a sufficient discharge therefor.

Note: In case of difficulty and particularly if you wish to leave a part of your estate to the Institution or if you wish your bequest to be earmarked for a specific purpose we would recommend you to consult your own solicitor or write for further information to the Director, The Royal National Life-boat Institution, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ.

All in the day's work . . .

An advertisement for a fleet mechanic for the RNLI, as it appeared in a Dorset paper, stated that the duties include: 'maintenance of life-goats.' 23.