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Father and Grandfathers (Seated I to R) George 'Wener' Tart (George Tart's Father) Jack Brignall Alfred Tart John Pope Charles Williams Douglas Oilier (Doris' Fath

Father and grandfathers . . . (seated, I. to r.) George 'Wener' Tart (George Tart's father), Jjck Brignall, Alfred Tart, John Pope, Charles Williams, Douglas Oilier (Doris' father); (standing, front row, I. to r.) Charles Oilier (Doris' grandfather), William 'Beefer' Thomas (Peter Thomas' grandfather), Old Jackner Oilier, Jack 'Chokum' Oilier, Tom Richard Tart (Ben's father); (standing, back row, third from left) William 'Uncle Bill' Tart (Ben's grandfather); (fifth, sixth and seventh from left) Fred and Bill Tart (Isaac Tart's sons) and Peter Oilier..

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