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1974 Accounts Summary

Income General purpose legacies Subscriptions and donations Miscellaneous Restricted funds Expenditure Operational Technical Fund raising Administration Capital £000's 1,721 2,176 266 782 4,945 £000's 1,212 953 773 571 1,160 4,669 Balance transferred to reserve for capital expenditure 276 The Institution's expenditure for the year 1974 is displayed in the pie chart on the right. The diagram enables a comparison to be made of the volume of expenditure between the four main divisions of capital, operational, technical and administration items. Each of these main divisions has been further sub-divided where necessary to give a more detailed interpretation of expenditure.

The increasing cost of the lifeboat service over the past ten years is revealed in the histogram below. Each column is proportionately split up between the four main areas of expenditure and shows a surplus or deficit for each year as appropriate.

This year's operating surplus has been transferred to the Institution's reserves for capital expenditure, partially offsetting the realised and unrealised losses on investments caused by the general decline in the Stock Market in 1974..