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Shoreline Section

BOAT SHOW 1975: what a memorable eleven days. Here is a diary of just some of the happenings recorded on the Shoreline stand: Wednesday, January 1 Opening day. Arrive early to prepare stand and display insignia and enrolment forms. Impressed by the attractive site this year, within the 'Lifeboat Village' and close to the pool around which all the special events will be staged. Coxswain Michael Berry visits the stand before impressively opening the '21st International Boat Show'.

After this, Shoreline is in business.

Ernie Wise arrives at 1 pm and spends an hour by the Whitby lifeboat, autographing RNLI Cook Books. Keepseveryone amused with his jokes. Record sale of Cook Books! 57 new members are enrolled. What a tremendous start! Thursday, January 2 Becoming accustomed to the programme of displays which take place four times a day: a rhythmic fashion show, air/sea rescue and canoe demonstrations and an angling competition.

Business slackens off a bit during these 45 minutes but the pressure is on again immediately afterwards. 40 members enrolled today and insignia sold to the value of £100.

Friday, January 3 Two presentations follow each other at 1245, the second a plaque to 12-yearold Linda Catlin, our 20,000th member.

The membership secretary, Bob Walton, lunched with Linda and her parents afterwards—a most happy and enjoyable occasion. There is a rush to join Shoreline after Linda's presentation and we could do with more staff to cope.

We still broke records, though, and enrolled 60 new members today.

Saturday, January 4 The expected Saturday rush occurs and inside Earls Court it is crowded and hot. Scores of people go on to the jetty to look at the Whitby lifeboat and theILBs, egged on by Frank, our marvellous Chelsea Pensioner who sits nearby rattling his RNLI collecting box with a cheery word for all who stop to put in their pennies. Hardly time for a break as we set a new record and enrol 71 members.

Sunday, January 5 A free morning to regain our breath.

Helpers smitten by colds and sore throats—common indeed at Earls Court, in the hot, dry atmosphere. Even so, during the half day enrolments total 29.

Monday, January 6 Morning begins quietly, An American visitor enrols and buys each of our items of insignia to take home to California.

55 new members. Such a demand for carstickers and cuff links, we run out.

Tuesday, January 7 With over 300 new recruits to Shoreline we have every hope of reaching a total of 500 by the end of the show.

Colds improving. Get down to work with gusto. Another 58 new members by 8 pm and insignia sales pass £100.

Wednesday, January 8 New supplies of carstickers and other insignia arrive. Bob stopped by security police and suspicious-looking package examined: it's only a new tank for his tropical fish. Policeman reveals some other odd discoveries during his 'searches', including a box containing a pet mouse, who, annoyed at the disturbance, bit the officer. A lot of people about today—long queues at the buffets and bars. Frank is still taking fantastic collections and shows no sign of flagging (which is more than can be said of us!). Another 50 new members.

Thursday, January 9 London continues to have mild and dry weather, with even glances of the sun. Hordes are encouraged to Earls Court and Shoreline reaches its all outTo: SHORELINE, RNLI, WEST QUAY ROAD, POOLE, DORSET, BH15 1HZ.

I should like to be a part of such a worthwhile voluntary cause by becoming a SHORELINE member of the lifeboat service and joining the Institution as: A Life Member and Life Governor: minimum donation £60, including journal A Member and Governor: minimum annual subscription £10, including journal An Offshore Member: minimum annual subscription £3, including journal An Associate Member: minimum annual subscription £1.50 Total subscription Below are the various items you are entitled (o wear or fly as a member of SHORELINE: Members' tie (Terylene) £1.50 Lady's brooch £0.50 Metal car badge £1.55 Pair of cuff-links £1.75 8" hoist flag £1.25 12" hoist flag £2.00 Dinghy burgee £1.25 Insignia payment NAME ..

ADDRESS Shoreline Giro number is 294 7056 I enclose P.O/cheqiie/cash for £ .

Date Signaturerecord enrolling 73 members, bringing the total to date to 501. (No time to celebrate—too busy.) Polly James autographs Cook Books and attracts large crowds. She chats to us and is very tiny, pretty and charming. 8 pm, and David Parker has literally to be dragged off the stand: carried away by success and enthusiasm he enrolled the last-out visitor as the lights are dimmed! Friday, January 10 There is an air of expectancy today.

Could it be the prospect of a visit from Eric (the tall one with glasses) ? Certainly there has been a wonderful and friendly feeling throughout this show. Other exhibitors have shown a real interest in, and regard for, the RNLI. Howard Lang of The Onedin Line calls to see us—he enrolled last year. A German visitor wishing to purchase a small hoist flag is encouraged to enrol as a member by David, who fortunately speaks the language fluently. Keep having to direct people to the RNLI Philatelic stand, which is also doing great business. Enrol a mere 60 members.

Saturday, January 11 A husband and wife each enrol as Life Governors—what a good start to the day. Stock of carstickers getting low again. Sir Alec Rose visits us. A young Dutch visitor is pleased to be recognised and welcomed: he enrolled at the stand 12 months ago. By 6 pm the crowds are thinning out and we begin final entering up of schedules and stocktaking of remaining insignia. Finish up in time to watch the last 'floor show'. A bouquet of flowers is carried down by the RAF rescuer and presented to the girl who has been 'rescued' so often and winched up to the helicopter. Fashion show has some new models: they appear to be female but are in fact four of the RNLI crew looking unbelievably glamorous in slinky dresses, wigs and make-up! Meanwhile, what are the girls wearing ? RNLI crew sweaters, looking like mini dresses, and kinky boots! It's great fun, with round-the-world yachtsman, RAF personnel and RNLI crew taking part in the finale, dancing as beautifully as the 'pros'. Sadly, this brings to an end the 21st International Boat Show, which has been such a success for the RNLI, thanks to the new members who helped to bring our final total to 610 and to those who have been sending in completed forms ever since.

Thanks also to Mr and Mrs D.

Esmond-Evans, David Parker, Ewart Myer and other voluntary workers, without whose help we could never have achieved half the success we did; your pleasant and cheerful company was an encouragement and a delight to the four full-time RNLI members of staff who took it in turns to man the stand during the show.

Shoreline Membership Office: 29a Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire (Tel. Salisbury 6966)..