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Lifeboat Services (from page 281)

Lifeboat Services (from page 281) The divers were landed at Horton at 1441 and the ILB was rehoused and ready for service by 1516.

For this service the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum were accorded to Helmsman John Walter Grove. Vellum service certificates were presented to Crew Members Peter Muxworthy and Lawrence Grove.

South Eastern Division Man in the Run HEARING FROM the Coastguard, at 1546 on November 9, 1974, that a 999 call had reported that a man had fallen into the Run at Mudeford, both Michael Parker and his wife Sally, the station administrative officer, ran out of their house—Michael to his next door neighbour, Michael J. Parker, and Sally to the boathouse where she started pulling out the ILB. She was soon joined by the two Michaels and left them to launch while she went to investigate.

On reaching the quayside, Sally could see the casualty, lying on his back, about 100 yards further to seaward, near Bass Rock where the water is always turbulent with whirls and eddies. Realising both instant action and good lung power were needed, she stopped running and walked on fast, breathing deeply.

Before reaching the casualty, Sally saw the man's head and upper part of his body sink beneath the surface; she shed her coat, kicked off her shoes, hurried as close as she could, jumped in and swam under water coming up under him and lifting his head above water.

She then got him to the quayside where many willing hands were waiting to help lift him out.

For her prompt and courageous action Sally Parker has been awarded the Royal Humane Society's testimonial on parchment..