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SHORELINE STAFF wish all members and everyone connected with the RNLI a happy and successful new year.

October 1974 was a landmark for us, when the 20,000th Shoreline member was enrolled. This member was 12-yearold Linda Catlin from Lewisham, London, introduced by her parents.

The South Western Boat Show, held at Plymouth in September, and the Southampton Boat Show, which followed closely, were successful events for us. A total of 450 new members were enrolled. It is indeed encouraging when existing and prospective boat owners decide to support the lifeboat service actively, through annual subscriptions.

These are occasions, too, when oldacquaintances are renewed, and it is always pleasant to greet members — usually spotted by the ties they are wearing, of course! Our insignia, always very popular, do a roaring trade at boat shows, and have you noticed all the 'friendly' cars around now? It is not necessary to travel far these days to see the readily identifiable dark blue car sticker, with its RNLI flag, of fellow Shoreline members.

You are surely among our best ambassadors, too, since our 20,000th milestone was reached with surprisingly little paid advertising from Headquarters.

Many thanks to everyone who helps to 'spread the word' and help us in our task of saving life at sea.

There are many and various ways of encouraging new members. Some of our staff are known to have gone to quite extraordinary lengths in their enthusiasm to sign on new supporters. An innocent enquirer at the office, wanting nothing more than some souvenirs, was asked if he realised he closely resembled Steve McQueen. In no time at all he was not only paying for his pens, but also a year's subscription to Shoreline and an 8" hoist flag for his dinghy! Another of our staff, helping to man the Shoreline stand at the International Lifeboat Exhibition at Plymouth, wasleaving by car after a long and exacting day when she accidentally touched and broke the rear light of another parked car. Although assured that responsibility would be accepted for the slight damage, the owner was only pacified when a friend arrived and took control.

The friend arranged to come to the Shoreline stand the next day to discuss the matter. In the event, he stayed to discuss the work of the RNLI and of Shoreline and became so enthusiastic that he signed on there and then. The Shoreline representative had to pay £2 damages—but enrolled a new Offshore member.

Again at Plymouth, a photographer from a local newspaper decided that a picture of the young ladies on the Shoreline stand would please his editor, and set about taking a few well-posed shots.

He then asked what Shoreline was all about and cheerfully signed on for Associate membership. (Regrettably, though, we did not see any of the photographs in print!) At the other end of the scale, we feel very humble indeed on receiving letters such as this one, which is typical of many: 'Dear Sirs, I would like to become an Offshore member in gratitude for saving my son and friend off Salcombe earlier this year, from what otherwise might have been a fatal dive.

My deepest thanks.' Another type of letter in the daily postbag is one enquiring about additional ways members could help the Institution. Therefore, for all our members who feel they would like to take their support a stage further by helping our work in a more practical way, we are printing a list of all our district organising secretaries. Please get in touch with the one nearest to you, if you feel you would like to help: you will be assured of a warm welcome.

If you are visiting the Boat Show at Earls Court, we will look forward to welcoming you at the Stand.—G. R.

(BOB) WALTON, Shoreline Organising Secretary (Membership), 29a Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire (Tel: Salisbury 6966).Organising Secretary District G. Powell North London P. Holness Mrs. V. Warner R. C. Pope f. Wallington A. Oliver South London Central London Women's Committee City of London South East South Commander P. Sturdee, South West QBE RN Lieut.-Commander B. C. West Midlands Hutchinson, RN G. E. Price Miss J. Manning East Midland Shires Miss I. E. Morison North Regional Co-ordinator K. Thirlwell D. M. Jones North East North West H. G. Williams Wales Miss E. M. Lloyd-Jones Scotland Lieut.-Colonel B. D. H. Ireland Clark, MC CM Address 553a High Road, Wembley Middlesex 6 Bell Parade, Glebe Way, West Wickham, Kent, BR4 ORH 21 Ebury Street, London, SW1W OLD 21 Ebury Street, London SW1WOLD 1 Bancroft Road, Reigate, Surrey 29a Castle Street,, Salisbury, Wiltshire Carlton Chambers, 25 Baldwin Street, Bristol Royal Mail House, 2 Calthorpe Road, Birmingham 15 RNLI Eastern Division, Aldham Road, Hadleigh, Suffolk 60 Port Street, Evesham, Worcestershire The Mill, Glasshouses, Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire HG3 5QH 28 Castlegate, York,YOl 1RP Princes Chambers, 26 Pall Mall, Manchester 2 68 Cathedral Road, Cardiff 45 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 3NN /10 Merrion Square, I Dublin, Ireland 33 Saintfield Road, [Belfast BT8 4AF Telephone No.

01 903 3230 01 777 1776 01 7300031 01 7300031 Reigate 45000 Salisbury 28706 Bristol 291939 021 454 3009 047 338 2837 Evesham 45844 042 373 667 York 22749 061 834 6978 Cardiff 31831 031 225 4014 Dublin 762217 Belfast 645645.