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Rohilla Memorial Service

Whitby On October 30, 1974, a memorial service was held at Whitby to commemorate the sinking of the hospital ship Rohilla, which ran on to a dangerous reef of rocks at Saltwick Nab, near Whitby, in 1914. Whitby No. 2 lifeboat saved 35 people but was badly damaged and the lifeboats from Upgang, Scarborough and Teesmouth were unable to reach the casualty. Tynemouth motor lifeboat managed to rescue 50 more people.

The memorial service was held in Whitby lifeboat museum, but rough weather prevented the laying of a wreath at sea. The wreath was left in the care of the Whitby lifeboat crew to be laid in calmer conditions.

The Mayor of Scarborough presentedGeorge Skinner, believed to be the only living survivor of Rohilla, with a framed photograph. Lieut.-Commander P. E. C.

Pickles, MBE JP RNVR, a member of the RNLI Committee of Management, thanked the Mayor for arranging the ceremony and paid tribute to the lifeboatmen of 60 years ago and today..