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Lifeboat People

Surely the oldest ladies' guild member must be Miss Violet Oswald. One of thebest loved members of Dunoon and District guild, she reached the age of 103 on October 12, 1974. At the annual general meeting at Dunoon last year she was presented with a box of choco-lates. After her words of thanks she added, 'I hope you are remembering to collect my annual subscription'.

Tom Richard 'Ben' Tart, coxswain of Dungeness lifeboat since 1965, is just retiring, thus ending a century-old family tradition of lifeboat service. Mr Tart was awarded the silver medal for a service on February 11, 1974, reported in the autumn issue of THE LIFEBOAT.

It is with regret that we announce the death last September of B. V. Howells, MBE, who served as honorary secretary at Pwllheli for nearly 40 years; also the death at the end of September of John E.

Gawne, BEM, coxswain for over 23 years of Port St Mary lifeboat..