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J H Minet

J.H.MINET LIFE AND PENSIONS LTD A SUBSIDIARY OF MINET HOLDINGS LIMITED AN EXPANDING GROUP OF INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE BROKERS is proud of its close association with the RNLI as advisers to its employees and crewmen on all aspects of personal financial planning.

Some of the particular subjects on which we give expert advice are house purchase, life assurance, lump sum investment and personal pension plans.

MORTGAGES for house purchase FLEXIBLE SAVINGS PLANS INVESTMENT available for purchase of houses, bungalows and purpose built flats for owner occupation. Up to 95% available in some cases.

A new form of plan with some relief from tax on sums regularly saved is now available. It enables you to cash your investment wholly or in part at any time after 10 years with the automatic right to re-enter.

If you are uncertain how to invest a cash sum of £2000 or more to give you a much needed high income in these inflationary times, we shall be glad to suggest methods of investing with major financial institutions who combine sound security with expert management.

We also advise on general taxation and Capital Transfer Tax, recently introduced in the Budget.

For further details please complete the pre-paid enquiry card, enclosed in this Journal, and send to: MINET HOUSE 66 PRESCOT ST.

LONDON E1 8BU Telephone 01-709-0707.