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Central Appeals Committee

Committee EXCELLENT SUPPORT has continued this quarter for the various projects of the Central Appeals Committee. Captain Phelps, master of John Biscoe of the British Antarctic Survey, on arrival at Southampton handed over more than £31 collected at a social dance in the Falkland Islands—the prime movers being, 1 understand, the brothers Crockford who are also members of Tenby lifeboat crew.

Your attention is drawn to a note on page 222 outlining a scheme to raise a substantial sum from Golden Hind halfpennies. Coins, old or foreign, can often make money for the Institution, so if you have any, please pass them on to your local branch or district office.

More about the knit-ins. Our two vice chairmen report that very great interest is being shown all over the country, and, with darker evenings now coming upon us, what about getting knitting? The total raised by this means has now shot up. How about arranging an evening's knitting now to ensure that the target is reached by January 1975? It cannot be too strongly stressed that as much help and support as possible should be given to the Scouts in their venture 'Operation Lifeboat'. Tremen-dous preparations are being made by the Scouts themselves, and anything to make life easier for them to reach their target is to be encouraged.

The Guides, Brownies and Rangers, under the good auspices of the Guide Friendship Fund, have already raised more than £4,000 of their target, £5,000 for an Atlantic 21 ILB. With many results still to come, the organisers think it may be possible to purchase the trailer as well as the boat.

The 'Link with a Lifeboat' scheme is at present under careful consideration.

It should be very popular as it will give the opportunity of feeling, and, in fact, being linked with a particular lifeboat.

We hope to give details soon.

The CAC are always ready and willing to receive any of your suggestions for ways of raising money. Please send them to the office at 126a High Street,Orpington, Kent (telephone: from outside London, 0689 38209; from inside the London area 66 38209).—D.M.R.Lifeboat Jubilee Rose John Sanday (Roses) Ltd, who developed the Lifeboat Jubilee Rose, have been awarded the Queen Mary Commemoration Medal by the Royal National Rose Society, 'for their outstanding contribution in the raising of new roses by British hybridists'.

Lifeboat Jubilee Rose bushes are still available, price 80p each (carriage and packing 35p). Order forms can be obtained from RNLl, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ..