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Volesus, of Grimsby, and Lord Nelson

Injured crews THE HARBOUR MASTER of Bridlington, Yorkshire, informed the honorary secretary at 1320 on Friday, December 28, 1973, that the trawler VolesusofGrimsby had an injured man aboard. The relief lifeboat Calouste Giilbenkian was launched at 1340 and set course for the rendezvous point off North Smithic Buoy in southerly light airs and a slight sea. The tide was flooding.

The injured man was taken aboard the lifeboat together with two hands from Volesus who wished to be put ashore, and the lifeboat was back in Bridlington Harbour by 1445.

During this operation a radio message had been received from the Hull trawler Lord Nelson; one of her engineers had fallen and broken his leg, and lifeboat assistance was requested. The lifeboat left harbour at once and met Lord Nelson one mile east of North Smithic Buoy. It was ascertained that the man had fractured his leg in at least two places. He was transferred to the lifeboat without incident and taken to Bridlington.

On the return journey, fog reduced visibility to a quarter of a mile, but the lifeboat reached her station at 1610..