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Central Appeals Committee

THE YEAR OF THE LIFEBOAT' continues to show excellent support for the various Central Appeals Committee's projects.

The Civic Heads Appeal has so far resulted in over 120 local authorities in England and Wales contributing 22,745; with Scotland's £3,317 from 56 local authorities and Ireland's £650 from two, this makes a grand total to date of £26,712. It will be of interest to many to know that some authorities, while feeling unable to make a cash donation, have assisted in kind by making facilities such as halls, rooms, grounds—and even a bandstand—available to branches without charge.

The national Scout project, 'Operation Lifeboat', in which it is hoped that up to 200,000 boys will take part, is receiving enthusiastic support, as is the project being organised by the Guides.

Brownies and Rangers under the good auspices of the Guide Friendship Fund; their target is £5,000 for an Atlantic 21 inshore lifeboat to be named, it is understood, Guide Friendship.

The national sponsored swim has reached its target of £20,000; in fact, the final figure is £20,286.50, a truly grand result. A trickle of money is still coming in for the Jimmy Savile schools' project, with the total now £1,096.67.

An event is under way, the results of which have so far not received much publicity; it is a champion swimmers' competition, the proceeds from which will, it is hoped, buy an inflatable ILB.

Many further ideas have been received in the CAC office, the possibilities of which are being explored: for instance, a competition by English and Welsh bowling clubs.

To end this report, there is more news of knit-ins. It cannot be too strongly emphasised that this is a most enjoyable, as well as money raising, activity, and one in which both ladies and (yes, and) gentlemen can take part.

About £1,800 has already been raised towards a lifeboat 'owned' by knitters.

The target date has been extended to December 31, 1974, which should give enough time for all knitters to get almost red hot needles to achieve their aim. The forms are available from the Institution's new Head Office at West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ.

Wool for knitting is quite easily come by if the word is spread around; odd balls of wood left over from other work is found to be quite satisfactory. Don't forget that it does not matter whether the group is large, or only very small.

Neither should it be forgotten that the knitted pieces can, and should, be made up into a finished article and sold, or perhaps auctioned, to increase the income and make it all even more worth while. Both the CAC's vice-chairmen, Mrs G. F. Chapman and Mrs G. M.

Keen, are ready to give help, by coming to a group meeting if possible, and can be contacted via the Committee office.

For those wishing to get in touch with the secretary or chairman of the Central Appeals Committee from outside the London area, the dialling code is 0689, the number being 38209. Inside the London area the dialling is 66 38209.

The address is 126a High Street, Orpington, Kent.—D.M.R..