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Cover Picture

Our cover photograph for the spring issue was taken by David Parker, one of the four people to whom, at the Boat Show, the Duke of Atholl presented statuettes of lifchoatmen for their outstanding service to the RNLI in the field of public relations. The photograph is of the latest type of ILB, the Atlantic 21, developed at Atlantic College, St Donat's Castle, Glamorganshire. She carries a crew of three.

The construction of the Atlantic 21 ILB is composite, incorporating a wood or grp bottom, subdivided into watertight compartments, to which is attached an inflatable tube.

The hull is Hat-hottomcd for benching, and.

having her own special launching trolley, the Atlantic 21 can be launched successfully from exposed beaches.

At the after end of the hull a roll bar is now fitted. Should the boat be turned over in shoal water or among rocks it would protect the crew from being crushed; and it carries a deflated buoyancy bag so that, if she capsizes, the crew, by pulling a cord, can inflate the bag with ( ( ) gas and, within 18 seconds, the boat will right herself.

The Atlantic 21 carries navigation lights for night work and also a VHF radio..

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