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Contents Volume XLIII Number 447 Price 15p Chairman: COMMANDER F. R. H. SWANN, CBE, RNVR Director and Secretary: CAPTAIN NIGEL D1XON, RN THE YEAR OF THE LIFEBOAT 1824-1974 Lives Saved: 98,500 Notes of the Quarter by the Editor .. .. .. .. .. 117 The Modern Lifeboat Exhibition .. .. .. .. .. 118 Birthday and New Year Honours .. .. .. .. .. 118 The Past—On Call by Commander Paul C. Chapman, QBE, RN, DSO, DSC 119 Douglas, Isle of Man—Birthplace of the RNLI by Joan Davies .. 120 Lifeboat International by Commander Peter D. Sturdee, OBE, RN . . 126 Profiles 128 International Boat Show 1974 129 New Equipment—from the Boat Show .. .. .. .. .. 130 Lifeboat Services .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 Book Reviews .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 138 Central Appeals Committee .. .. .. .. .. .. 139 Some Ways of Making Money .. .. .. .. .. .. 140 Lifeboat People 142 Letters 143 Shoreline Section .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 144 Societe Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer .. .. .. .. 145 Awards to Coxswains and Crews .. .. .. .. .. 146 Lifeboat Launches .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 149 ILB Launches 150.