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Classified Adverts

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FUND RAISING Fund raising with 200% PROFIT ON OUTLAY! Send stamp for catalogue of imprinted ball-pens and 20 other quicksellers.

Provincial Supplies, 1 Gardenfield Lane, Berkhampstead, Herts.

FETES, BAZAARS — ALL FUND RAISERS. Fully guaranteed ball pens and pencils gold die-stamped with your name or slogan (Max. 30 letters) standard postage 30p. PENS £2.50 per gross; PENCILS £2.10 per gross. Reductions for quantity.

ALSO Extensive range of TOYS—STATIONERY — CHRISTMAS CARDS — DOMESTIC STATIONERY and PRESELECTED PARCELS. All at wholesale prices. Carriage extra. Comprehensive price list from: BAKER ROSS, 2a Handsworth Road, London N17 6DD. Tel: 01-808 6948.

TROPHIES RACE SETS—MAINSAILS—D1NGHYS —CUPS W. & E. Astin, 7 Westerley Lane, Shelley, Huddersfield. Kirkburton 2368.

For all types of Cups, Medals, Medallions, Shields and Statuettes, Sports Prizes, Fancy Goods, Carnival Hats, Balloons, Novelties, Fund Raisers. All requirements for Children's Christmas Parties supplied.

ALSO NOW AVAILABLE TO CLUB MEMBERS, Lounge, Dining Room, Bedroom Suites and Carpets. All types of light fittings and shades, etc. ALL AT WHOLESALE TRADE PRICES. Send for our 64- page catalogue: SW1NNERTONS OF WALSALL LTD, DEPT. 'L', UNION STREET, WALSALL WS1 2HJ.

INSURANCE FOR ALL INSURANCE, Phone, Call or Write J. A. Harrison (Brokers) Ltd.

"Security House", 160-161 Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham B5 6NY Telephone: 021-692 1245 (10 lines). For keenest rates, service and security.

FOR SALE Advertising pencils, superb ball pens, combs, brushes, each gold stamped Lifeboat name, etc., raise funds, quickly, easily. Bran Tub Toys: samples from, Northern Novelties, Bradford 2 (BD2 3AF).

CRYSTALS. Wide range. State Alternatives.

(2182—£1.31.) S.A.E. Essential. S.S.B.

1 Frances Street, Truro. 0872-862575.

WANTED Wanted, twobackcopies of Yachting World; December 1970 and December 1971. Davies, 7 Mariners Way, Warsash, Southampton.

Classified Advertisements Readers are reminded that THE LIFEBOAT, with a print run of 36,000 copies, is an attractive medium for classified sales and wants advertisements. Classified rates are 15p a word; panels £10 an inch.

Designed and Printed in Great Britain by Ditchling Press Limited, Ditchling, Hassocks, Sussex.