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Birthday and New Year Honours

BIRTHDAY AND NEW YEAR HONOURS CB Rear-Admiral I. G. W. Robertson, DSC, RN, Admiral Commanding Reserves and an ex-officio member of the Committee of Management.

CBE Commander F. R. H. Swann, RNVR, Chairman of the Committee of Management.

Commander Swann was co-opted on to the Committee of Management in 1953, became a Vice-President in 1962, Deputy Chairman in 1964 and Chairman in 1972. He has been Chairman of the Boat and Construction, Helicopter and Operations Sub-Committees, as well as serving on a number of others.

The Marquis of Normanby, a member of the Committee of Management since 1972 and also the President of the Whitby Lifeboat Station.

MBI: J. G. Groves, who joined the RNLI in 1945 and is now Resident Engineer at Littlehampton.

Mrs E. M. McMaster, Assistant District Organising Secretary for Northern Ireland, who joined the RNLI in 1940 and has continued her work on its behalf unremittingly, despite the troubles of the past years in Northern Ireland.

BEM W. H. Kellam, who has been with the RNLI since 1926 and is now Chief Examiner of Stores..