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A Speed Boat

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Meanwhile, on board the lifeboat, the end of the second veering line was at hand and a heavy nylon berthing rope had to be made fast to it. The whole line was now being swept in a great bight down tide behind the two rescuers as Keith Richardson reached the speedboat.

He found two men, one of whom had an artificial leg and was already suffering from shock and exposure, as well as two boys and a girl. He decided to stay to reassure and assist them while James Barrett returned to the lifeboat to report the situation to the coxswain.

On the return journey, James Barrett had difficulty in holding on to the lifeline, as it had now sunk and buried itself in the soft sand. Once again he had to make the precarious journey of over one cable with the very uneven bottom and waves about 3' in height frequently knocking him off his feet.

On arriving back at the lifeboat he found she was beginning to lift, and, after hearing James Barrett's report, the coxswain decided that if he could now get off the sand bank he would be able to close the casualty. At that moment the port engine throttle control cable parted, and so all manoeuvring from then on had to be accomplished on the starboard engine only.

Keith Richardson, meanwhile, was laying out the speedboat's anchor to windward to prevent the boat being washed over the sand and sinking in the deeper swatch beyond. By 11 p.m. the lifeboat had manoeuvred her way to within 5 yards of the casualty and the survivors were taken on board within five minutes. They were all treated for shock and exposure and were finally landed at Walton by 11.40; from there the handicapped survivor was taken to hospital and the remainder returned home. The lifeboat re-secured to her moorings at 12.37 a.m.

For this service, the bronze medal for gallantry has been awarded to Assistant Mechanic Keith Richardson and Crew Member Jack Barrett, and the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Coxswain Frank Bloom..