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Shoreline Section

SHORELINE membership continues to increase steadily and insignia sales continue their upward trend. It is encouraging to find several boats in some of the larger harbours flying Shoreline flags, and to pass the occasional car on the road showing a badge. Membership ties have also been spotted on the television.

The time of the International Boat Show has come around again, and we hope to see as many members as possible at our stand, No. C2, during the show.

Our aim is to enrol as many new members as possible, so if you have friends who wish to join please bring them along.

New members are now being enrolled through our district organising secretaries at an ever-increasing rate, and it is hoped that there will be a large influx of members during our 150th anniversary celebrations in 1974.

We are at present hoping to improve the opacity of the centre of our flags without increasing the cost to any extent.

Owing to difficulty in obtaining suitable materials this was rather a problem. However, a solution has been found and weare confident that the result will be successful.

Many more of those who find recreation and leisure by and on the sea, besides those that gain a living from it, should consider seriously the work of the RNLI and support it to the hilt.

After all, the RNLI considers their needs fully and spends thousands of pounds implementing them. Members can help us even further by spreading interest and enrolling new members.

We will supply forms and publicity material on application—G. R. (Bob) Walton, Shoreline Organising Secretary (Membership), 29a Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire (Tel.: Salisbury 6966)..