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Central Appeals Committee

ARRANGEMENTS are now well under way for a Midnight Matinee at the Victoria Palace, London, on Friday, March 8.

The committee responsible is working under the chairmanship of Lady Aitken.

By the time you read this, tickets should be available, prices ranging from £12 to £2. It will be well worth coming, even if you live out of London. Tickets may be obtained from: Mrs H. Hodges, MBE, Lifeboat House, 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1W OEF.How about raising £327 in two hours for an outlay of 80p? Wembley branch had a knit-in recently and did just this.

They feel it is the easiest way they have yet found to raise money, and not only that, but the very enjoyable social side of the event (coffee and biscuits in the interval) also raised a small sum to help swell the total.

The Civic Heads Appeal is being well received, and the sponsored swim has now reached a figure of over £18,700.

It is hoped that, through the good offices of the Guide Friendship Fund, there will be a project in 1974 for guides, brownies and rangers, to raise at least £5,000—but this is still under discussion.

The National Scout Project for 1974 is entitled 'Operation Lifeboat', and it is intended by the Scout Association that it should be undertaken by the entire strength of the scout section, which numbers more than 200,000 boys. The aim is to raise £100,000, the cost of a new lifeboat, which it is felt is a fitting way to support the RNLI in its 150th anniversary year. The weekend of October 5 and 6 has been chosen for 'Operation Lifeboat', the same weekend as the national scout regatta. It is hoped that scout counties or scout districts will have either one large sponsored event or several smaller ones and raise funds on a rough basis of 50p a boy or £10 per scout troup. Activities are expected to include swimming and canoeing, as well as visits to and bet ween lifeboat stations.

The national sponsored knit-in, by the way, has been given an extended time limit for completion, the date now continued on page 109.