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Red Flares AT 7.4 p.m. on May 29 the Coastguard at Littlehampton, Sussex, told the honorarv secretary that he had receiveda call reporting red flares being fired six miles west south west of the harbour entrance.

The ILB was launched four minutes later in a light east by south wind in a moderate sea. The lifeboat made in the direction indicated and, while en route, the informant ashore was able to direct the lifeboat to the position of the casualty as the lifeboat was experiencing some difficulty in finding the casualty due to other boats in the vicinity.

At 7.39 the lifeboat reached the casualty, the 30-foot fishing boat Rock-n-Roll, that had broken down.

The casualty was closed and a tow line passed and secured. As there was a difficult swell at the position of the casualty slow progress was made initially in towing the vessel ashore.

The honorary secretary requested an RNLI helper to stand by to assist the tow in his fishing boat Tayful. However, as the lifeboat approached nearer to the shore better progress was made and the lifeboat was able to complete the towing operation alone, safely bringing the casualty and her crew of six ashore. The lifeboat returned to her station at 9.25..