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Injured seamen NEWS was received at St Peter Port, Guernsey, C.I., on April 14 that a seaman on board the Norwegian tanker Jarmina had severely injured a finger and the bleeding could not be stopped.

The lifeboat Arun, with a doctor on board, slipped her moorings at 2.15 p.m., and the coxswain learnt that the Jarmina was south west of Les Hanois light.

The Arun came up with the vessel 22 miles south west of St Peter Port. The tanker stopped and the doctor boarded her. Meanwhile the lifeboat stood off while the doctor examined the injured man, and closed the vessel again when the doctor appeared at the head of the ladder with the injured man. Both were embarked in the lifeboat and course was set for St Peter Port, where the injured seaman was transferred to hospitaJ. The lifeboat returned to her station at 5.15..