J H Minet (Insurance)
IS YOUR CAPITAL EARNING THE HIGHEST INCOME IT CAN? IF NOT, WHY SETTLE for SECOND BEST? So many people give very little thought as to where their capital should be invested.
With inflation running at its present level, investors need to take advantage of the very high returns at present available and explore investment opportunities other than those traditionally used in the past.
For example, have you ever thought of a Guaranteed Income Bond? These can give you 9.5% p.a. Net of basic rate tax. This is equivalent to a gross yield of more than 13.5%. There is no risk involved and your capital is absolutely secure. The bond guarantees you a full return of your capital at the end of ten years or on earlier death. What's more you needn't tie up your capital for this long. It is possible to receive a full capital return much earlier than this without incurring any penalties.
J. H. MINET, advisers to the employees of the R.N.L.I., specialise in this type of investment. If you complete and return to us the coupon (right), we will show you without obligation, how you can substantially increase your present income.
Please return to: J. H. MINET LIFE-PENSIONS LTD., Minet House, 66 Prescot Street, London, El 8BU Telephone 01-709 0707 Name.
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