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Cornish Appeal

Cornish Appeal (from page 55) over to local branches at the end of the appeal. Careful instructions should be given about emptying boxes every three months in order to reduce loss by theft.

'A midnight matinee is well worth having, and it is best done by obtaining a cinema for the night, even if one has to pay for the hire. Friday night is the best night. Aim to start at 9 p.m. and finish at about midnight. Two prices only, one for the circle, which will be dress, and the stalls. The film should be chosen by the committee and hired for the night. A raffle helps and, if possible, a pre-show cocktail party for the circle, guests paying for their own drinks, in the cinema if facilities are available.' Commander Hill concludes: 'Hard work and personal contact throughout should produce the required results if the early planning has been right. New ideas help enthusiasm and can be used where not attempted before, such as old-time and modern dances, fancy dress, midnight matinees, open gardens, concerts by choirs, bands, concert parties, dog shows, clay pigeon shoots, harvest festivals in public houses, sponsored efforts of all kinds, art shows, water safety displays, dart league competitions, bowls, golf, bridge, whist, raft races, etc.'.