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Shoreline Section

AT THE TIME of writing we have over 12,000 subscribing members and new enrolments average 12 per working day.

Already subscriptions are making a worthwhile addition to the funds required by the RNLI. Our aim is to reach a membership of 200,000 so we still have some way to go.

We see a number of members' ties being worn by visitors to Lifeboat House, but although over 1,000 car radiator badges have been sold, we have yet to pass one on the road. So there is still plenty of scope here! If you are already a member by virtue of belonging to one of our many branches and guilds then persuade your husband, wife, son-in-law, etc., to join Shoreline.

By the autumn we shall have welcomed members of the Lifeboat Enthusiasts' Society as Associate Members and we will soon be introducing junior members in the form of groups such as schools, clubs, etc.

Our aim, of course, is to keep administration costs as low as possible, but at the moment this amounts to approximately 50p per member during the first year and this will not drop significantlysignificantly until membership passes the 20,000 mark. A member writes that we have already spent 9p in postage, having sent her a subsrciption receipt and then subsequently the insignia she had ordered. By July we shall have combined the membership office with insignia despatch (the latter being at present carried out by the RNLI Depot at Boreham Wood) and we can effect some savings in this direction. We are very conscious that the more that can be spent on lifeboats and the less on administration the better.

Anyway, these are early days yet and we are only too pleased to receive brick-bats from members and also, from time to time, encouragement. Do not hesitate to let us have your views, as nothing is more depressing than passive support. Of course, every reply costs 2-Jp plus, but in many cases a constructive suggestion soon offsets the cost involved—Robert (Bob) Walton, Shoreline Membership Secretary.

River Thames Branch This branch was formerly known as the Upper Thames branch. Following the amalgamation of National Membership and the YLA the branch has been renamed. At the present time there are 96 members, all owning boats on the Thames. The branch season started with two parties visiting the Wapping headquarters of the Thames Division of the Metropolitan Police. The rescue service operated by the Police on the River Thames was fully explained.4JP 24ip 46|p 14p lOfcp 1972 Expenditure Accounts-at-a-glance To Reserves.

Construction of new boats Operational costs of running lifeboats District and Branch expenses (including publicity) Administration (Head Office and Depot).
