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Royal Blue to the Rescue

THE following report is reproduced from Stage Coach, the magazine of General Western National, Royal Blue, Devon and Greenslades coaches.

'To be able to answer an urgent call for assistance from an organisation which is devoted to doing just that, is a particular pleasure. It follows that Royal Blue staff were delighted to provide an express service of another kind when, on Friday, October 6 they were asked to convey a vital piece of equipment on behalf of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.

'The "maroon" went up at 0930 hours when Len Smith, Exmouth branch secretary of the RNLI, telephoned the express section traffic department at head office and spoke to Stan Tucker.

The piece of equipment, urgently required for the Exmouth lifeboat, was at Poole and Mr Smith wanted to get it to Exmouth as quickly as possible.

'Reaching for his sou' wester, Stan immediately telephoned TSRB Jack Gleeson who offered to take the package aboard the 1100 hours Bournemouth— Exeter service. This action proved even too quick for his suppliers and it was on the next service, the 1400 hours from Poole bus station that the "lift" began.

'Driver David Walsh of Bournemouth depot took charge of the important piece of equipment and headed south west.

'In the meantime the inspectorate staff at Exeter coach station had been alerted and it was there at 1700 hours that Training Officer Fred Willgress also took a hand.'Fred's interests lie in both camps for apart from being a busman he is also a member of the YLA.

'Assisted by David Walsh and Inspector TomO'Leary, Fred transferred the equipment to his car and within minutes was sailing down the A377 on the final 11 miles to Exmouth docks where the lifeboat is based.

'Royal Blue "Coxswain" Jack Gleeson said later: "We were pleased to help out in an emergency—it is all part of the service".

'And a delighted Len Smith told our reporter: "We very much appreciate the help and generosity of Royal Blue in getting this equipment to us with all possible speed and at no charge to RNLI funds.'".