Win the Power Game Unbeatable. The thrill of irresistible power behind you Put there by Johnson with unfailing dependability.
Kept there by the Johnson Power Men. The skilled specialists who run the Johnson Power Centres.
Hand-picked for their expertise. Dedicated to maintain your Johnson outboard.
The loop-charged 50, the 3-cylinder power-houses and the unbeatable V-4s, at peak performance always.
Go to The Power Centres for the latest techniques, the hi-performance accessories-and the know-how.
Faster Starting MagFlash ignition gives sure-fire starts every time Positive Gear Shin With the Johnson power-assisted single lever control Short rigid crank shaft gives low profile, concentrates power, reduces vibration Exhaust tuning, pressure-back piston rings give more power per gallon uonnson outboards world leaders BARRUS To:E. P. BarrusLtd.. Dept. LB7/«J 12-16. Brunei Road. London. W3 7UY Please send me full colour catalogue of Johnson outboards from 2 -135 hp and name and address of my nearest Johnson Power Centre.
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