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Hampshire Rose Appeal

HAMPSHIRE ROSE APPEAL PHILATELIC ENVELOPE A SPECIAL APPEAL is to be made from May, 1973, to September, 1974, for £50,000 towards the cost of a Rother class life-boat (above). It will be called the Hampshire Rose Appeal and the Chairman of the Committee will be Sir Alec Rose, K.B.

The appeal will be launched on 20th May at a Water Fair to be held at Portsea Island, and to mark the occasion and assist in fund raising, a special philatelic souvenir envelope will be issued, with a picture of a Rother class life-boat. A one day only official Post Office commemorative postmark will be used to cancel the stamped envelopes. Although they will be on sale at the Water Fair at Portsea Island, they may also be obtained by post from the address below. Orders should contain full remittance payable to RNLI, Hampshire Rose Appeal. Please write names and addresses clearly in block letters, 'Hampshire Rose' Souvenir envelope 30p each As above, but carried on Eastney inshore life-boat 50p each As above, but also signed by Sir Alec Rose, K.B., £1 each RNLI SOUVENIR ENVELOPES, 29a CASTLE STREET, SALISBURY, WILTS..