YLA Section
All inquiries concerning YLA matters should be addressed to: Mr. Alasdair Garrett, Secretary, Yachtsmen's Life-boat Supporters' Association, 29a Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 ITT.
(Tel.: 0722-6966).FAIR ISLE RACE THE second Fair Isle International Yacht race organised by the Forth Corinthian Yacht Club of Granton, Edinburgh, was held on 31st August, 1972. A feature of the Fair Isle Race is that the organising club donates the entire entry fee of £10 per yacht to the R.N.L.I.
At the civic reception in Kirkwall, Commodore Bill Russell announced that the 1973 Fair Isle Race would start on 22nd August.
On hearing this, Lord Birsay of Orkney, whose ancestors came from Fair Isle, offered an additional trophy for the race. Lady Birsay is a member of the Edinburgh, Leith and Granton branch of the R.N.L.I., and is also president of the ladies' life-boat guild.
Arrangements for the 1973 race are now well in hand, and the provisional entry list is healthy. The international aspect of the race is fully assured with entries from Holland andWest Germany. Tentative inquiries have come from the Scandinavian countries who in 1972 had naturally supported the Olympics and the centenary celebrations in Bergen.
For further information please contact: Commodore Russell, Forth Corinthian Yacht Club, Granton Square, Edinburgh, EH5 1HE (Tels.: clubhouse 031-552 5939; boatyard 031-552 6903).
CALL TO ALL HANDS We wish to thank all YLA members for their continued and steadfast support of the life-boat service. Since its formation four years ago, Association income has reached a cumulative total of over £100,000—something from which all members can derive satisfaction. Yet the accelerated boat building programme and rising costs make continued expansion of the YLA essential. Enclosed with this issue—and for YLA members only—is a YLA enrolment form.
All we ask is that every member of the Association should recruit one new member before 31st March, 1973. Your help is urgently needed, so please do your best to answer this call.
ADMINISTRATIVE INNOVATION We told members in the July issue of THE LIFE-BOAT that we had transferred membership records to a computer service, and while we are pleased to report that this has proved a satisfactory arrangement, we are keeping our fingers crossed for the future! Computerisation has made it possible for us to introduce a further refinement designed to streamline administration and so make available to the R.N.L.I.
fleet a larger proportion of YLA subscription income. We plan to fix 1st October, 1973, as the date for renewal of all subscriptions and annually on that date thereafter. Cash subscribers will therefore be reminded about their 1973 subscriptions in mid-September next.
YLA members are reminded that this year's R.N.L.I, stand at the International Boat Show at Earls Court is H6..