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YLA Section

All inquiries concerning YLA matters should be addressed to: Mr. Alasdair Garrett, Secretary, Yachtsmen's Life-boat Supporters' Association, 29a Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 ITT.

(Tel.: 0722-6966).RALLY AT SONNING A successful rally was held for Upper Thames branch members on the upper reaches of the Thames on 10th June, 1972. Members were joined by friends from local yacht clubs. At the end of the day a sausage and mash supper was served followed by a dance. Several new members joined during the rally. The branch welcomed members of the Reading and district branch of the R.N.L.I.

NEW MEMBERS It has been suggested that for the time being there should be a quarterly reminder that members should be on the look out for more recruits for the YLA. All you have to do is ask Mr. Alastair Garrett, secretary, whose address appears at the top of this page, to send an enrolment form to each potential member.

Please give your name and YLA number with any correspondence.

BOAT SHOW The International Boat Show at Earls Court, London, will run from 3rd January to 13th January, 1973, and YLA officials will once again be on duty for the whole period at the R.N.L.I, stand. Members and potential members are invited to make themselves known at the YLA office.

GLOBE TROTTER Mr. Robin Knox-Johnston, C.B.E., of Hamble, has accepted an invitation to join the Committee of Management of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. Mr. Knox-Johnston circumnavigated the globe in his yacht Suhaili, 1968-69, and is chairman of the British Olympic Yachting Appeal. He is a YLA member..