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The Keen Minister

In acknowledging the R.N.L.I.'s thanks for his services as chaplain to the St. Mary's, Scilly Islands, life-boat Guy and Clare Hunter, the Rev. George Waddington, who is taking up a new appointment at Paisley, is further offering his services in the interests of the lifeboat service.

He writes: 'If it is possible, it would be my wish to serve the Institution in my next appointment.

I am to take charge of our Central Hall in Paisley, which contains one of our largest Methodist congregations in Scotland, and I shall also have responsibility for our church in Girvan, and it may well be that I could be of some use to the Institution in the area.

'Some years ago you accorded me the unusual and signal honour of wearing the life-boat crest on my ceremonial preaching scarf, and I have always counted this the greatest honour which life has brought to me. It is the normal custom when such an honour has been accorded, for the recipient to wear the scarf throughout the remainder of his ministry if he so desires, and as I am most anxious to continue to wear my scarf as a bond of affinity with the lifeboatmen and the Institution itself, I should be most grateful if you could give me authority to do so.' Mr. Waddington will, of course, continue to wear the scarf..