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The Central Appeals Committee

THE national sponsored walk, 1971, raised £33,538 new money for the R.N.L.I. Among the completed walks this year was one by the Crayford branch held in the grounds of Bexleyheath School, where the sum of £590 was raised by children, including many coloured.

The national sponsored swim, run in con-junction with the Amateur Swimming Association and the Welsh Amateur Swimming Association, was extended to 30th June.

More and more clubs are running swims, the Tiverton amateur swimming club having raised, mostly through children, a record figure of £1,700 for the R.N.L.I.

As part of the national swim, under the auspices of the English Schools' Swimming Association, an appeal has been made to education authorities for schools to run sponsored swims during the summer and autumn terms.

Arrangements are in hand for a midnight matinee to be held in the Spring of next year at the Victoria Palace, London. Lady Aitken is chairing the committee, and the event is being run by the Central London Women's Committee under the auspices of the C.A.C.

Arrangements are well under way for the London sponsored sail—this is being held in conjunction with the Welsh Harp Sailing Association—scheduled for 28th August, 1972.

The Tesco Supermarket Green Shield scheme starts in the northern region on 21st September, 1972, and continues until the end of the year.

Mr. A. du P. Denning, D.S.O., M.C., Maybush Cottage, Hall Park, Berkhamstead, Herts.

(Tel.: Berkhamstead 044-27 4710), has joined the C.A.C. as representative for the Eastern District..